Our Guarantee

Uptown Florist is a member of the nationwide network of trusted FTD Florists.

Uptown Florist is dedicated to providing the freshest, highest quality flowers and plants to celebrate all your special occasions. From bouquets of fresh cut flowers to intricate arrangements, our experienced floral designers will create a beautiful flower arrangement to perfectly suit your occasion. Whether it's a dozen long stemmed red roses, celebrating an anniversary, beautiful Mother's Day or Valentine's day floral bouquets, a festive Thanksgiving centerpiece or a touching sympathy funeral flower arrangement.

Uptown Florist guarantees your satisfaction with every order sent through FTD for delivery in the United States and Canada and on all FTD branded products. Uptown Florist also guarantees your satisfaction of any product we create and deliver in our local area, Vancouver, BC.

If you are not satisfied with your product ordered through Uptown Florist, we will send a replacement or refund the full purchase price. All you need to do is notify us within 7 days of receipt of your order.

You may contact us by:

phone at (604) 524 6642;

send us a message through our page,

come in person to our shop at   331 Sixth Street, New Westminster, BC V3L 3A9 CA.